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/ Aminet 22 / Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso / Aminet / game / wb / HIT1_0.lha / HangInThere! / Fonts / XHelvetica / 9 / XHelvetica-9.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1997-09-06  |  24KB
Labels: bulletin board | fence | road | sky | web site
OCR: -poq: fghijklmnepgrs tuywxyz ABCDEP GHIJKL MNOP 01234 156789 @#* &*[]- <.[H}|*"? The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The brown to: jumps oYer the lazy Bop 24 The brown fox jumps oyer the lazy BOp 36 The quick brown fo: jumps OYEr the -EOP The quick brown fo:: jumps DYEr the EOP 60 The quick brown to: jumps DYEF the dor The quick brown +0: iumpE the HBCDEP MNOPQRSTUYWXYZ 0123456789 auict browo iumps quich